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Bill Van Den Acre
11/14/2016 11:27 PM
thank you, quick easy. Great prices!
10/16/2016 3:48 PM
Good so far - let's see how fast you procees
Owen Dahl
10/10/2016 4:42 PM
Send more sunex tool sales
Jeff mcpherson
10/10/2016 4:45 AM
Shipping was super fast! Navagation through your site is simple and easy!
9/23/2016 4:04 AM
Allen Licht
7/8/2016 1:05 PM
6/27/2016 2:27 PM
very good response with order but it was the wrong part that i was needing. I will be returning both temp switches this week along with the temp sensor to see if you can match up the size and thread pattern that will fit inside the block where the temp se
David Stone
6/21/2016 3:51 AM
Everything went smoothly, love the prices and the ease of transaction, hope to buy from you real soon, Nice people.
5/30/2016 10:36 PM
Lowest price, no shipping cost. Double win!
Brian Dobbs
5/21/2016 11:49 PM
Very easy. Liked the amazon checkout option.
Robert W. Harris
5/11/2016 4:11 AM
Definitely good prices and they shipped my order within a day. So far, they've had really good customer service.
4/6/2016 12:28 AM
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